Marina Buffa César


Marina holds an MA in Archaeology from the Museu Nacional/UFRJ; her dissertation focused on the function of the heart scarab in Egyptian funerary practices. With extensive archaeological experience (including urban and pre-colonial archaeology in Brasil), at Seshat she is currently developing the project “A Casa do Deus, a Morada dos Mortos: os “Palácios de Milhões de Anos” como necrópoles durante o III Período Intermediário” (House of God, Residence of the Dead: the Mansions of Millions of Years as necropoleis during the Third Intermediate Period) – focusing on the necropoleis of the Ramesseum, Deir el-Bahari, and Medinet Habu. You can see her CV here.


(Ramesseum, photo by A. Brancaglion Jr.)