André Luís Silva Effgen

Currently an MA student in the Archaeology Graduate Program – Anthropology Department, Archaeology Sector, Museu Nacional/UFRJ. His research is entitled: “A JANELA DAS APARIÇÕES E O OURO DA RECOMPENSA: UMA ANÁLISE ICONOGRÁFICA ACERCA DAS CONCEPÇÕES FUNERÁRIAS DA ELITE EGÍPCIA ANTIGA DURANTE O PERÍODO AMARNIANO (1353 -1335 a. C.)” (The Window of Appearances and the Gold of Honor: An iconographic analysis of the funerary beliefs of the Egyptian elite during the Amarna Period); advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Brancaglion Jr. He is a member of Seshat – Egyptological Laboratory of the National Museum/UFRJ. He holds a BA in History from the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB); his thesis was titled “A reforma de Amarna (1353-1335 A.C.) e a eliminação da transcendência na Religião funerária no Egito antigo” (The Amarna Reform and the Elimination of Transcendence in the Funerary Religion of Ancient Egypt). He has experience in Egyptology, and focuses on the following themes: religion, funerary beliefs and practices, and the Amarna reform. He received a research scholarship from FAPESB and worked on the project “Economia e sociedade no Egito Antigo: o caso de Amarna (1400-1320 a. C.)” (Economy and Society in Ancient Egypt: the case of Amarna), supervised by Prof. Dr. Alexandre Galvão Carvalho. He was a teaching assistant in the courses História Antiga I e II (Ancient History I and II) and received an extension scholarship at the same university, working on the project “História e Historiografia do Mundo Antigo” (History and Historiography of the Ancient World).

Follow the link to his CV here.